Dreaming of Summer: The Warm Sound of Stan Getz

Illustration by Shag: shag.com

Illustration by Shag: shag.com

Let’s not mince words here, this past year-and-a-bit has been absolutely shocking. There is reason to be optimistic though. Although people are still suffering and still dying, there is finally a reason for hope on the horizon, with vaccine programmes starting to roll out around the world.

After receiving my vaccinations, and with the sun finally returning, I’ve started dreaming of the summer and maybe, just maybe being able to go on holiday again and return to some semblance of normality. I’ve been working pretty much non-stop for the past 18-months, which I’m grateful for, I know everyone isn’t so lucky to still be employed but I’m tired and I desperately need a break- like most people I suppose.

I think the first place I’ll go when I can travel again is to Cefalù. It’s a sleepy Norman coastal town in Sicily and probably my favourite place in the world. You can read more about it here. Leave a comment below and let me know the first place you’ll go when you can. It might seem bleak at the moment but night is always darkest before the dawn. Better times will return and to hope is a wonderful thing; it can keep us going during even the most difficult of times.

In anticipation of a vacation and warmer, better times, allow me to introduce the song that is firing my wanderlust. It’s my mental soundtrack to images of the glamorous 60’s and the jet set lifestyle. I can imagine driving a convertible E-Type Jaguar while listening to it. Quite frankly, I think it’s the sexiest opening 49 seconds in music history. Enjoy the warm sounds of Stan Getz, American saxophonist and one of the pioneers of Bossa Nova. See you on the beach.

Thanks for reading,


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